Search Results for "Gluteus Medius Tear"

1 - 10 of 13728 Results
I'm 47, female and after 8 years of progressively worse hip pain blamed on fibromyalgia, controlled with oxycontin, I insisted on a MRI of my hips. The MRI showed a fluid signal in the superior labrum at the 12:00 to 1:00 position with a likely cause list...

My 83 year old mother had a gluteus medius tendon tear (completely) which was repaired in May of 2010. She is still using a walker, and the muscles in her leg are getting weak. Her doctor had done the repair surgery only one time before hers and doesn't ...

Have been diagnosed with Gluteal muscle tear with proximal retraction of muscle group; complicated by Hamstring tears @ Attachment to Ischial Tuberosity; complicated by Sciatic Nerve Impingement/Entrapement at level of sciatic notch with "broadening and fl...

After 13 years of pain, I finally found out that I have a Gluteus medius tear and a labral tear. I have found a doc in Chicago (Dr. Domb)who does GM tears and a doc in Colorado ( Dr.Philipon) who does labral tears. Prior to this, every doctor told me I h...

Hello, I am 48 yrs old, and I am in so much pain sitting, to long is painful getting in and out of the car is painful, walking is not good and stairs are like poison to me,the pain is so severe it actually makes me nauseas I was told I had a torn glutes...

I understand that this injury is comparable to a rotator cuff tear of the shoulder. Am having great difficulty in receiving proper treatment. Cannot have MRI because of previous aneurysm surgery. Ultrasounds show partial tear. Pain in outer hip down out...

Who in the US is best for repair of a MRI found gluteus minimus tear? Also bursists in the same area on my left side. Problems started a year ago. I prefer a doctor on the East Coast.

I have been diagnosed by ultrasound as having a gluteus medius tear. I'm not sure if it's a full tear or a partial tear. The radiologist wrote on his statement that the muscle looks torn and hasn't attached properly to its insertion on the greater trochant...

What is the treatment for a tear of the gluteus medius?

I received the following MRI report. It looks really serious! It will take me weeks to get in to see my doctor again. How serious is this report? I am only 39 and can barely walk some days. Can surgery fix this? This happened as a result of injury at a...

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